English Grammar

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Noun and kinds of Noun

 The Noun:

       The Noun is the name of person , place or any thing is called Noun.


        The Noun is the naming word.


1- Islamabad is the capital city of Pakistan.

     -there are three nouns Islamabad, capital city  and Pakistan.

2-The Moon 🌝  is Shining.

    - Moon is Noun here.

 Kinds of Nouns:

1-Common Noun

2- Proper Noun

3-Collective Noun

4- Concrete Noun

5- Abstract Noun

6- Countable Noun

7- Uncountable Noun

8-Material Noun

1- Common Noun

                      Common Noun is a name given in common to every person, place or any thing of the same class or kind.


           Man- Men, Mango-Mangoes, Book-Books

1-Man is a social animal.

2- Mangoes are hanging from tree.

3- Books are on the table.

2- Proper Noun

           Proper Noun is the name of some particular person, place or any thing.


1-The Allah 

 2-The  holy Quran

3-The Muhammad pbuh.

3-Collective Noun

            The Collective Noun is the name of a number or collection taken together and spoken of as a whole.



2-a bundle of sticks


4- Concrete Noun

             A Concrete Noun is the name of things that can be touched or seen.

Example: Room, sun, Tree etc

5-Abstact Noun

An abstract Noun is the name of some quality, state or action.

1-Quality: Goodness, kindness, Dearness, honesty.

2-Action: Laughter, theft,Movement.

3-State: Childhood, poverty, slavery.

6-Countable Noun

          A Countable is the name of a thing that can be counted or divided into singular or plural.

Example: Books, tables, students etc.

7-Uncountable Noun

            An Uncountable Noun is the name of a thing that cannot be counted or divided into singular or plural.

Example: ice, Ink, Life, Beauty, Milk etc.

8- Material Noun

       A Material  Noun is the name of a Material or substance out of which things are made.

Example: silver, Gold, clay, Tea, Butter, Money ,Water etc.


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