Indefinite Pronoun A pronoun used to talk about a person or thing indefinitely is known as Indefinite pronoun. Examples: One,None, Nothing, No one,some, someone, something somebody,any, anybody, anyone,all,few,many,several. 1)One: It is used in the third person with a singular verb. Examples: *One has to be careful about ones (not his) health. *One must know what one (not he) has to do. 2)None: It may be used with a singular or plural verb but singular is common. Examples: *None of my parents is (or,are) educated. *None of my sister's is (or,are) married. 3)No body: It means not one and it is used with a singular verb. Example: *Nobody helped the poor man. *Nobody can be perfect in any thing. 4)Nothing: It means not anything and it used with a singular. Examples: *Nothing is so sweet as honey. *Nothing has been written about his early life. 5)No one: It means not a single person and it is used with a singular verb. Examples: *No one wants to acting in drama. * No one ...