English Grammar

Glucose Freeze Support Healthy Blood Sugar

  Gluco freeze powdered tablets are typically used to replenish electrolytes and provide a quick source of energy. They often contain a mix of glucose, electrolytes like sodium and potassium, and sometimes vitamins. People often use them during or after exercise to help rehydrate and refuel the body. Just mix them with water, and you're good to go! 🚀 http://glucofreezeurgent.com/special-today-digi/index.html#aff=Star017

Prefixes,Suffixes and it's kind

1-Prefixes and Suffixes:

        New words  are formed by adding a particle to the beginning or the end of the root word. 


           The Particle added to the beginning is called prefix.

     These are three types of prefix.

1-English prefix

2-Latin prefix

3-Greek prefix

1-English prefix

A.       (away,on,out)

  Ex:   abed, ashore,afoot.

Be.    (ہونا). 

   Ex: Befriend,befit,befall beswear.

By.  (on the side)

 Ex:  by stander, by-word.

Down.  (نیچے)

 Ex:   Downfall, down-pour.

For.   (Thoroughly)

  Ex:  for bear, forbid.

Fore.  (Before)

Ex: fore-thought, fore-see.

In.  (میں)

Ex:into, insight , inborn.

Miss.  (wrong)

Ex: misdeed, mistake.

Off.   (away)

Ex: off shoot, off spring.

On.   (پر)

Ex: on set ,on coming.


Ex: out break, out line.

Out.  (Look)

Ex: out let, out house.

Over.   (above)

Ex:. over flow, overcome.

Un.  (Not)

Ex: untie, unfold.

Under.  (نیچے سے)

Ex:. undergo, understand.

Well.  (ٹھیک)

Ex: welcome, wellbeing.

2-Latin prefix

Ab.  (away)

Ex: abnormal, ab-hor.

Ambi. (around)

Ex: ambi-dexterous, ambi-guous.

Ante. (before)

Ex: ante-chamber, ante-cedent.

Bi. (twice)

Ex: bi-cycle, bi- elect.

Circum.  (around)

Ex: circum-ference, circum- spect.

Co. (with)

Ex: co-exit, co-operate.

Contra. (against)

Ex: contra-dict.

Control. (against)

Ex: contro-versy.

Counter.  (Against)

Ex: counter-feit, counter-part.

De. (down)

Ex: de-part, de-throne.

Dis. (not)

Ex: dis-join, dishonest.

Ex. (out of)

Ex: ex-tract, ex-student.

Extra.    (beyond)

Ex: extra-vagant.

In. (not)

Ex: in-active, in-secure.

Inter. (in)

Ex: inter-cource.

Male, mal.  (bad)

Ex: male-factor, male-violent.

Miss.  (Less)

Ex: mis-fortune, mis-behave

Non. (not)

Ex: non sense.

Pen. (almost)

Ex: pen-ultimate.

Post. (after)

Ex: post-graduate, post-pone.

Pre. (before)

Ex: Pre-caution, pre-fix.

Re. (again)

Ex: re-new, re-again.

Retro.  (backward)

Ex: retro-grade.

Semi. (half)

Ex: semi-colon, semi-circle.

Sub. (under)

Ex: sub-judge.

Super. (above)

Ex: super-human, super-natural.

Sur. (over)

Ex: sur-charge, 

Trans. (across)

Ex: trans-port, trans-form.

Tri. (three)

Ex: tri-angle, tri-colour.

Ultra. (beyond)

Ex: ultra-modern.

Vice. (instead)

Ex: vice-president, vice-roy.

3-Greek Prefixes

A.  (not)

Ex: atheist, atrophy.

Amphi. (both-side)

Ex: amphibious

Anti.  (against)

Ex: antisocial, antidote.

Arch. (chief)

Ex: arch-angel.

Auto. (self)

Ex: auto Mobile, auto -graph

Dia.  (Through)

Ex: dia-meter, dia-gonal.

Di. (in two)

Ex: dilemma.

Epi. (upon)

Ex: epi-dermic, epi-tome.

Eu.  (well)

Ex: eu-logy.

Hemi. (half)

Ex: hemi-sphere.

Hetero. (different)

Ex: hetero-doxy.

Homo. (same)

Ex: homo-geneous.

Hyper.  (beyond)

Ex: hyper-sensitive.

Meta. (change)

Ex: meta-physics.

Mono. (single)

Ex: mono-tone.

Pan. (all)

Ex: pan-islamism, pan-oply.

Para. (beside)

Ex: para-dox.

Penta. (five)

Ex: penta-gon, penta-meter.

Peri. (around)

Ex: peri-meter.

Poly. (many)

Ex: poly-gamy, poly-gon.

Pro. (before)

Ex: pro-logue, pro-gramme.

Psuedo. (false)

Ex: psuedo-nym.

Sym. (with)

Ex: sym-pathy, sym-phony.

Syn. (with)

Ex: syn-onym.

Tele. (far)

Ex: telephone.


    The particle added to the end of the root is called suffix.

There are three types of suffix

1-English suffix

2-Latin suffix

3-greek suffix

1-English Suffix

      1)of Noun

      A) Denoting agent or doer:

er: speak-er, bank-er

or: sail-or

ar: begg-ar

yer: law-yer

ster: spin-ster

ter: laughter

        B) Denoting state, action, condition,being etc.

dom: free-dom, martyr-dom

hood: man-hood

lock: wed-lock

Ness: dark-ness,good-ness

red: hat-red

ship: hard-ship, friend-ship

th: heal-th, weal-th

       C) Forming Diminutives

el: gird-el

le: girdle

en: maid-en, kitt-en

kin: lamb-kin, nap-kin

let: leaf-let

ling: duck-ling

ock: hill-ock

erel: mong-erel

et,ette: pack-et,cass-ette

             2)of Adjective

ed: gift-ed

en: wood-en

ful: hope-ful,fruit-ful

ish: boorish,redd-ish

less: fear-less

Ly: man-ly, god-ly

some: glad-some

ward: for-ward

y: wealth-y 

     3) of verbs

en: weak-en, sweet-en

se: clean-se, rin-se

er: chatt-er,glitt-er

      4) of Adverb

ly: bold-ly, wise-ly

long: head-long, side-long

ward: home-ward, back-ward

way(ways): straight-way

wise: like-wise, other-wise

2.  Latin Suffixes

         1) of Noun

         A) Denoting the agent or doer of something:

ain (an,-en,-on): chieft-ain, artis-an, surge-on

ar. (-er,-eer,-ier-ary): Schol-ar, preach-er, engin-eer, finan-cier, mission-ary

ate (-ee,-ey,-y): advoc-ate, trust-ee, attorn-ey, deput-y

or (-our,-eur,-er): emper-or, sav-our, amat-eur, interpret-er

     B) Denoting state, action, result  of an action:

age: bond-age, break-age

ance: brilli-ance

-cy: fan-cy

-ion: act-ion, opin-ion

ice (-ise): sev-ice, exerc-ise

-ment: punish-ment

-mony: parsi-mony

-tude: forti-tude

-ty: cruel-ty

-ure: pleas-ure

-y: miser-ly, victor-y

       C) Forming Iminutires: 

-cule: (-ule,-cel,-sel,-el,-le) : animal-cule, glob-ule, par-cel, dam-sel, chap-el, eirc-le

et: owl-et

ette: cigar-ette

          D) Denoting place:

ary (ery,-ry): dispens-ary, libr-ary

ter (etre-): clois-ter, thea-tre

        2 of Adjectives:

-al : Nation-al, leg-al

-an: (-ane): hum-an, hum-ane

ar: fimili-ar, regul-ar

-ary: custom-ary, contr-ary

-ate: fortun-ate

-ble: ible,-able): fee-ble, sens-ible, laugh-able

-esgue: pictur-esgue

-id: hum-id

-ile: fragile, serv-ile

-ine: femin-ine

-ive: act-ive, attent-ive

-lent: corpu-lent

-ise: (-ous): ucrb-ose, denger-ous

                3) of verbs:

-ate: assassin-ate, captiv-ate

-esce: acqui-fy, puri-fy

-ish: publ-ish

 3।  Greek Suffixes

-ic (-ique): angel-ic, un-ique

-ist: art-ist, chem-ist

-isk: aster-isk

-ism (asm): patriot-ism, enthusi-asm

-ize: civil-ize

-sis (sy): cri-sis, herc-sy

-e: (y): catastroph-e, monarch-y.


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