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Unlock the Secrets of English Grammar: A Blog for Language Enthusiasts Dive into the intricacies of the English language with our comprehensive grammar blog. Whether you're a language learner striving for fluency or a seasoned wordsmith refining your skills, our blog is your go-to resource. Explore practical tips, insightful explanations, and engaging examples that demystify the nuances of grammar. From mastering tenses to unraveling the mysteries of punctuation, we've got you covered.
1-Prefixes and Suffixes:
New words are formed by adding a particle to the beginning or the end of the root word.
The Particle added to the beginning is called prefix.
These are three types of prefix.
1-English prefix
2-Latin prefix
3-Greek prefix
1-English prefix
A. (away,on,out)
Ex: abed, ashore,afoot.
Be. (ہونا).
Ex: Befriend,befit,befall beswear.
By. (on the side)
Ex: by stander, by-word.
Down. (نیچے)
Ex: Downfall, down-pour.
For. (Thoroughly)
Ex: for bear, forbid.
Fore. (Before)
Ex: fore-thought, fore-see.
In. (میں)
Ex:into, insight , inborn.
Miss. (wrong)
Ex: misdeed, mistake.
Off. (away)
Ex: off shoot, off spring.
On. (پر)
Ex: on set ,on coming.
Ex: out break, out line.
Out. (Look)
Ex: out let, out house.
Over. (above)
Ex:. over flow, overcome.
Un. (Not)
Ex: untie, unfold.
Under. (نیچے سے)
Ex:. undergo, understand.
Well. (ٹھیک)
Ex: welcome, wellbeing.
2-Latin prefix
Ab. (away)
Ex: abnormal, ab-hor.
Ambi. (around)
Ex: ambi-dexterous, ambi-guous.
Ante. (before)
Ex: ante-chamber, ante-cedent.
Bi. (twice)
Ex: bi-cycle, bi- elect.
Circum. (around)
Ex: circum-ference, circum- spect.
Co. (with)
Ex: co-exit, co-operate.
Contra. (against)
Ex: contra-dict.
Control. (against)
Ex: contro-versy.
Counter. (Against)
Ex: counter-feit, counter-part.
De. (down)
Ex: de-part, de-throne.
Dis. (not)
Ex: dis-join, dishonest.
Ex. (out of)
Ex: ex-tract, ex-student.
Extra. (beyond)
Ex: extra-vagant.
In. (not)
Ex: in-active, in-secure.
Inter. (in)
Ex: inter-cource.
Male, mal. (bad)
Ex: male-factor, male-violent.
Miss. (Less)
Ex: mis-fortune, mis-behave
Non. (not)
Ex: non sense.
Pen. (almost)
Ex: pen-ultimate.
Post. (after)
Ex: post-graduate, post-pone.
Pre. (before)
Ex: Pre-caution, pre-fix.
Re. (again)
Ex: re-new, re-again.
Retro. (backward)
Ex: retro-grade.
Semi. (half)
Ex: semi-colon, semi-circle.
Sub. (under)
Ex: sub-judge.
Super. (above)
Ex: super-human, super-natural.
Sur. (over)
Ex: sur-charge,
Trans. (across)
Ex: trans-port, trans-form.
Tri. (three)
Ex: tri-angle, tri-colour.
Ultra. (beyond)
Ex: ultra-modern.
Vice. (instead)
Ex: vice-president, vice-roy.
3-Greek Prefixes
A. (not)
Ex: atheist, atrophy.
Amphi. (both-side)
Ex: amphibious
Anti. (against)
Ex: antisocial, antidote.
Arch. (chief)
Ex: arch-angel.
Auto. (self)
Ex: auto Mobile, auto -graph
Dia. (Through)
Ex: dia-meter, dia-gonal.
Di. (in two)
Ex: dilemma.
Epi. (upon)
Ex: epi-dermic, epi-tome.
Eu. (well)
Ex: eu-logy.
Hemi. (half)
Ex: hemi-sphere.
Hetero. (different)
Ex: hetero-doxy.
Homo. (same)
Ex: homo-geneous.
Hyper. (beyond)
Ex: hyper-sensitive.
Meta. (change)
Ex: meta-physics.
Mono. (single)
Ex: mono-tone.
Pan. (all)
Ex: pan-islamism, pan-oply.
Para. (beside)
Ex: para-dox.
Penta. (five)
Ex: penta-gon, penta-meter.
Peri. (around)
Ex: peri-meter.
Poly. (many)
Ex: poly-gamy, poly-gon.
Pro. (before)
Ex: pro-logue, pro-gramme.
Psuedo. (false)
Ex: psuedo-nym.
Sym. (with)
Ex: sym-pathy, sym-phony.
Syn. (with)
Ex: syn-onym.
Tele. (far)
Ex: telephone.
The particle added to the end of the root is called suffix.
There are three types of suffix
1-English suffix
2-Latin suffix
3-greek suffix
1-English Suffix
1)of Noun
A) Denoting agent or doer:
er: speak-er, bank-er
or: sail-or
ar: begg-ar
yer: law-yer
ster: spin-ster
ter: laughter
B) Denoting state, action, condition,being etc.
dom: free-dom, martyr-dom
hood: man-hood
lock: wed-lock
Ness: dark-ness,good-ness
red: hat-red
ship: hard-ship, friend-ship
th: heal-th, weal-th
C) Forming Diminutives
el: gird-el
le: girdle
en: maid-en, kitt-en
kin: lamb-kin, nap-kin
let: leaf-let
ling: duck-ling
ock: hill-ock
erel: mong-erel
et,ette: pack-et,cass-ette
2)of Adjective
ed: gift-ed
en: wood-en
ful: hope-ful,fruit-ful
ish: boorish,redd-ish
less: fear-less
Ly: man-ly, god-ly
some: glad-some
ward: for-ward
y: wealth-y
3) of verbs
en: weak-en, sweet-en
se: clean-se, rin-se
er: chatt-er,glitt-er
4) of Adverb
ly: bold-ly, wise-ly
long: head-long, side-long
ward: home-ward, back-ward
way(ways): straight-way
wise: like-wise, other-wise
2. Latin Suffixes
1) of Noun
A) Denoting the agent or doer of something:
ain (an,-en,-on): chieft-ain, artis-an, surge-on
ar. (-er,-eer,-ier-ary): Schol-ar, preach-er, engin-eer, finan-cier, mission-ary
ate (-ee,-ey,-y): advoc-ate, trust-ee, attorn-ey, deput-y
or (-our,-eur,-er): emper-or, sav-our, amat-eur, interpret-er
B) Denoting state, action, result of an action:
age: bond-age, break-age
ance: brilli-ance
-cy: fan-cy
-ion: act-ion, opin-ion
ice (-ise): sev-ice, exerc-ise
-ment: punish-ment
-mony: parsi-mony
-tude: forti-tude
-ty: cruel-ty
-ure: pleas-ure
-y: miser-ly, victor-y
C) Forming Iminutires:
-cule: (-ule,-cel,-sel,-el,-le) : animal-cule, glob-ule, par-cel, dam-sel, chap-el, eirc-le
et: owl-et
ette: cigar-ette
D) Denoting place:
ary (ery,-ry): dispens-ary, libr-ary
ter (etre-): clois-ter, thea-tre
2 of Adjectives:
-al : Nation-al, leg-al
-an: (-ane): hum-an, hum-ane
ar: fimili-ar, regul-ar
-ary: custom-ary, contr-ary
-ate: fortun-ate
-ble: ible,-able): fee-ble, sens-ible, laugh-able
-esgue: pictur-esgue
-id: hum-id
-ile: fragile, serv-ile
-ine: femin-ine
-ive: act-ive, attent-ive
-lent: corpu-lent
-ise: (-ous): ucrb-ose, denger-ous
3) of verbs:
-ate: assassin-ate, captiv-ate
-esce: acqui-fy, puri-fy
-ish: publ-ish
3। Greek Suffixes
-ic (-ique): angel-ic, un-ique
-ist: art-ist, chem-ist
-isk: aster-isk
-ism (asm): patriot-ism, enthusi-asm
-ize: civil-ize
-sis (sy): cri-sis, herc-sy
-e: (y): catastroph-e, monarch-y.